Jungian Style Psychotherapy in SF

About Carl Jung

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist who founded analytic psychoanalysis. As a psycho-spiritual pioneer he is often called the father of transpersonal psychotherapy. He worked with Freud in the early 20th Century and was groomed to become the heir apparent to Freud’s legacy. Jung had some fundamental differences with Freud which lead to a painful break in 1912. Jung experienced the dark night of the soul from which he developed a psychological attitude of the human psyche that was expansive not reductive resulting in a pathological diagnosis. Rather, Jung looked for the psychological meaning in myth, fairytales, dreams, accidents, alchemy, astrology, the worlds religions and spiritual expressions. He was interested in helping the patient discover their unique expression of the self. He called that individuation. Jung used a symbolic attitude that looked for meaning in all things. If everything has meaning then the work in life is to discover your unique individual meaning. Like Jung, I am interested in helping you to discover your unique meaning.

To learn more about C.G. Jung